In 2019,

the CEREMA, (French National Center for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Planning) decided to monitor the Aquitaine bridge, located in the vicinity of Bordeaux, the renowned French city.

The strategic bridge spans over the 450 meter Garonne river, a key link for traffic between the two banks of a highly populated area. Over recent years, concern had risen that the bridge might be showing signs of fatigue which could modify its mechanical properties.

To confirm oscillations of the bridge were still within the expected modelled range, 14 Geocubes were installed on the bridge, both at deck level and on top of the two columns.

Continuous monitoring for over 4 years has confirmed the bridge still respects its design specifications and reacts as expected to external phenomenon (heavy traffic, mean temperature, sun radiation, etc.), whether it be for intraday variations or long-term fluctuations.

As an example, correlation between average daily temperature (blue) and vertical displacement of the deck (red)

Hong Kong Airport Embrun Landslide Aquitaine Bridge Les Menuires Super Bissorte Dam Miribel Landslide
Ophelia Sensors