The city Embrun, in the French Alps, renowned notably for the remarkably difficult Embrunman triathlon, is set on an alluvial terrace overlooking the Durance river. A residential portion of the town has been suffering from soil movements which threatens the stability of existing structures.

Local authorities have therefore decided to monitor the evolution of the millimetric displacements in order to study its evolution and take preventive measures if necessary. In 2019, it was decided to install 17 Geocubes to implement a long-term monitoring, a number which soon rose to over 30 Geocubes. Monitoring is still and planned to continue for years to come.

Over the years, Geocube measurements have confirmed a continuous active displacement which has been used to define a public strategy for securing the area

Hong Kong Airport Embrun Landslide Aquitaine Bridge Les Menuires Super Bissorte Dam Miribel Landslide
Ophelia Sensors